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Watch: Detox Babe cares about people's bodies and the planet

Video-Watch: Detox Babe cares about people's bodies and the planet

In this interview, Detox Babe Co-Founder and CEO Christina Fontenesi talks about the mission behind this superfood-fueled personal care brand.

Founded by two women passionate about personal care and its potential for integral healing properties, Detox Babe offers a range of all-natural products crafted with people's bodies and the planet in mind.

In addition to focusing on clean and potent ingredients, Detox Babe also participates in sustainability initiatives to help support the environment while also utilizing responsible packaging and committing to carbon neutral product shipping.

Learn more about Detox Babe's mission and how the brand formulates for skin and overall health, in addition to how it verifies its health claims and why the company is partnering with a global reforestation nonprofit to give back to the environment.

Also, hear CEO Christina Fontenesi's insights into overcoming the challenges of being a new company, as well as a woman-owned brand.


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