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Consumers desire sustainable skincare with transparent sourcing – article

White-paper-Consumers desire sustainable skincare with transparent sourcing – article

Consumers desire sustainable skincare with transparent sourcing – article
From packaging to ingredients, the beauty industry has been an early adopter of sustainable practices. Sabinsa offers thoroughly researched and tested skincare, focusing on sustainability and transparency, giving customers everything they are looking for.

Consumers are concerned with both what they put in and, on their bodies, increasing consumer desire for transparent ingredient sourcing, sustainable farming and manufacturing processes.

Sabinsa has a proven record of producing sustainable products that consumers can trust. Not only are their products strictly tested for heavy metals, contaminants and solvents, but their unique vertically integrated supply chain offers benefits for everyone involved. By working closely with farmers, Sabinsa utilises crop rotation, replantation and fair trade contract farming that produce high-quality ingredients and care for those stewarding the land.

Learn more about what’s NEXT in beauty with Sabinsa in this article! 

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